"THE ONLINE INVENTOR" is a free newsletter for inventors. It contains articles on topics such as inventing, patents, prototypes, licensing, marketing, etc. Listed below are all the past titles since 1998. Please visit www.marketlaunchers.com/archives.html for the full stories -- Paul Niemann
(c) 1998 - 2011 Market Launchers, Inc.
March 2011:
Article # 1: “Evaluating Invention Submitters and Marketing Agents” by Jack Lander of www.Inventor-mentor.com
Article # 2: “All about stereolithography and plastic injection molding” by Jack Lander of www.Inventor-mentor.com
Article # 3: “E-mail, phone call, or meet face-to-face meeting: Which works best when contacting prospective licensees?” by Paul Niemann of www.MarketLaunchers.com
February 2011:
Article # 1: “Getting through to the decision maker when you decide to license on your own” by Jack Lander of www.Inventor-mentor.com
Article # 2: “Was motivation the main reason the Jets beat the Patriots in the AFC championship game? by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
January 2011:
Article # 1: “The Story of how MarketLaunchers was Founded Back in 1998” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
December 2010:
Article # 1: “Does a Patent Guarantee Market Success?” by Ron Reardon of Patents & More, Inc. and VP of the United Inventors Association
Article # 2: “Top 20 Marketing Tips for Social Media” by Katie Cowan of Creative Boom
November 2010:
Article # 1: “Are you Making Any Progress?” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
September 2010:
Article # 1: “How to Get Your Molds Paid for – by Your Customers” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com Article
# 2: “The Ugly Truth about Innovative New Products” by Perry Marshall
Article # 3: “Marketing Your New Invention: The Chicken or the Egg?” by Harvey Reese of Money4Ideas.com
August 2010:
Article # 1: “Contact Info for 3 Home Shopping Channels” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
June 2010:
Article # 1: “Interview with Inventor-Turned-Licensing Agent Harvey Reese”
April 2010:
Article # 1: “Licensing to very large corporations” by Jack Lander of Inventor-Mentor.com
Article # 2: “Selling Big: Finding the Right Marketing Partners” by Don Debelak of One Stop Invention Shop
March 2010:
Article # 1: “Fail fast, fail cheap” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “There are 3 things that every industry has” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
February 2010:
Article # 1: “Have doubts about your invention? Then you’re in good company” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
November 2009:
Article # 1: “What do Sarah Palin and Barack Obama have in common?” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
October 2009:
Article # 1: “Appeal to the human element of the “companies” that you pitch your inventions to” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
July 2009:
Article # 1: “Do you need a patent?” by Trevor Lambert, President, Lambert & Lambert, Excerpted from Invent Secrets
Article # 2: “Selling On Commission,” by Don Debelak
Article # 3: “Kids invent the darndest things,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
May 2009:
Article # 1: “The Product Life Cycle, or PLC, explained” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
April 2009:
Article # 1: “There are only two things that businesses need” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
March 2009:
Article # 1: “Calculating the royalty rate,” by Trevor Lambert of Invent Secrets
Article # 2: “The difference that makes the difference,” by Trevor Lambert of Invent Secrets
February 2009:
Article # 1: “Did Your Own Patent Search? Found Nothing? WARNING!!!” by Ron Reardon of Patents & More, Inc. January 2009:
Article # 2: "Seven things you should know about provisionals," by Ron Reardon of Patents & More, Inc.
September 2008:
“The REAL cost of commercializing new products -- for the manufacturer,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
August 2008:
“Why were Xerox, Monopoly and Pepsi initially considered failures?” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
July 2008:
“Learn the 4 P’s for your inventions,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
June 2008:
“What can you learn from Sex and the City?” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
May 2008:
“Why It’s so Hard to Launch New Inventions,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
April 2008:
Article # 1: “There are really only 2 things that companies want to buy,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “Publicity can be the best way to promote your invention,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
March 2008:
“What to say when you call a potential licensee on the phone” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
February 2008:
Article # 1: “All it takes is one if you hit their hot button” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “Getting past the voicemail barrier” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
January 2008:
Article # 1: “How to benefit by offering to be a speaker at your industry’s trade show” By Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “3,900 Saturdays (The Marble Story)”
December 2007:
Article # 1: “Put your Product on the Market by Going thru the Back Door” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “Giving Your Invention a Head Start” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
November 2007:
Article # 1: “Overcome Procrastination” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
October 2007:
Article # 1: “Interview with Successful Inventor Glen Grutze” By Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
June 2007:
Article # 1: “The Auction Approach – How It Can Benefit You” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
April 2007:
Article # 1: “Two Sources of Help for Inventors to Consider” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “Back That Sucker Up!” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
March 2007:
Article # 1: “Finding Additional Markets for Your Inventions,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “There’s Gold in Them There Hills … If You Know Where to Look” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
February 2007:
Article # 1: “Can the Super Bowl Ads Benefit Inventors?” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “Amateurs Built the Ark,” submitted by my friend Barbara Carter
January 2007:
Article # 1: “Successful Inventor Frank West Launches his Target Base ™ Product” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “Top 10 Mistakes Inventors Make” by Larry Udell
Article # 3: “Attend the right trade show to license your invention” by Paul Niemann
Article # 4: “50% of Something is Better than 100% of Nothing” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
July 2006:
Article # 1: “Find help launching your invention at your local college” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
June 2006:
Article # 1: “Two ways to benefit from trade shows” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “How to Overcome One of the Two Biggest Mistakes that Inventors Make” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
May 2006:
Article # 1: “TOP TEN INGREDIENTS for SUCCESSFUL INVENTING” by Lawrence J. Udell
Article # 2: “If I had a nickel for every time an inventor said that!” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
April 2006:
Article # 1: “Description of a Successful Inventor,” by Larry Udell
February 2006:
Article # 1: “Narrow Your Focus – and Increase Your Odds of Success,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “11 Reasons to become an inventor”
November 2005:
Article # 1: “The # 1 Biggest Mistake that Inventors Make … And How to Correct It,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: “The Perfect 3-Step Approach for Contacting Potential Licensees,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 3: “Real-life Inventor Bloopers,” submitted by your peers.
October 2005:
Article # 1: RESEARCH: Part 1 … “How Do You Know if Your Invention Will Sell,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: "The Case of the Missing Monkey," by Paul Niemann of InventionMysteries.com
Article # 3: RESEARCH: Part 2 … “Know What Questions to Ask,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
June 2005:
Article # 1: “Psssst! What manufacturers are REALLY looking for!” by Mike Coulton of Benjamin Obdyke, Inc., reprinted from the JAN/FEB/MARCH 2005 issue of Inventors’ Digest with permission
Article # 2: “The benefit of attending your industry’s trade show,” by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 3: “Who invents better products -- individual inventors or corporations?” by Paul Niemann of InventionMysteries.com
November 2004:
Article # 1: It's Essential That You Only Market Products That People Want," by Willie Crawford
Article # 2: “Guesstimate of Invention Value,” by Mike Marks, author of the book, First Steps
Article # 3: "Which Presidents are Better Inventors: Republicans or Democrats?" by Paul Niemann of InventionMysteries.com
July 2004:
Article # 1: "Marketing a book is similar to marketing an invention," by author Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: "Get an inventor mentor," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 3: "Watch Your Phraseology!" by Dennis Dohogne, P.E.," (reprinted from Inventors' Digest)
January 2004:
Article # 1: "A Patent is No Magic Bullet," by Dennis Dohogne and Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com (reprinted from our most recent article in Inventors’ Digest; reprinted with permission)
Article # 2: "Are You a CRACKPOT Inventor?" by patent attorney Robert Platt Bell
Article # 3: "There are 3 Benefits that Your Industry Offers You," by author Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
December 2003:
Article # 1: "6 Do’s & Don’ts When Submitting Your Invention for a Product Hunt," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: "Know When to Fold ‘Em," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 3: "Marketing Your Invention from Top-Down or Bottom-Up … Which Way is Best for You?" by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
November 2003:
Article # 1: "Industry Authorities Announce TOP 10 Hot New Consumer Product Inventions"
Article # 2: "Are You Ready for the Star Search for Inventors?" by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com (reprinted from my most recent article in Inventors’ Digest; reprinted with permission)
Article # 3: "The Increasing Power of Publicity … and how it can benefit your business," by Todd Brabender of Spread The News Public Relations, Inc.
October 2003:
Article # 1: "The Benefits of Catalog Sales For Your Business," by Jim Tilberry of Tilberry Direct Marketing
Article # 2: "The Increasing Power of Publicity -- and How It Can Benefit Your Business," by Todd Brabender of Spread The News Public Relations, Inc.
Article # 3: "2 Simple Questions," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com (reprinted from my most recent article in Inventors’ Digest; reprinted with permission)
April 2003:
Article # 1: "Provisional Patent Applications," by Michael Neustel, excerpted from "The Inventors Pocket Guide"
Article # 2: "New Product? Give It Nine Lives" by Marcia Yudkin
Article # 3: "Top 20 Corporations Receiving U.S. Patents in 2001"
March 2003:
Article # 1: "The Consumer Product Pipeline," by Ron Docie, excerpted from "The Inventor’s Bible"Article
# 2: "Location, Location, Location – NOT! Actually it is Marketing, Marketing, Marketing," by Randy Moyse, excerpted from "The Inventors Pocket Guide"
Article # 3: "Why 98 % of All Inventions Fail to Produce a Patent," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
February 2003:
Article # 1: "Tricks of the Trade," by Ron Docie, excerpted from "The Inventor’s Bible"Article
# 2: "Revamping, Redesigning, Recycling, or Otherwise Making an Existing Product Better," by Randy Moyse, excerpted from "The Inventors Pocket Guide"Article
# 3: "The 7 Major Types of Media," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com, as first printed in Inventors’ Digest
January 2003:
Article # 1: "A Success Essential -- Join A Mastermind Group," by Willie Crawford
Article # 2: "How To Name Your Company or Product in 5 Easy Steps," By Lauren Teton
Article # 3: "Seven Reasons Why a Manufacturer Should Consider Licensing YOUR Invention," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com for the March / April issue of Inventors’ Digest
December 2002:
Article # 1: "Everything You Wanted to Know About Money-Making Niches -- But Were Afraid to Ask!" by Roy J. Primm
Article # 2: "5 Key Marketing Questions," by Bob Leduc
Article # 3: "Tax Tips for Home-Based Business Owners," by Vishal P. Rao
November 2002:
Article # 1: "Approach Things from a Different Angle, by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: "The Marketing Mix," by Paul Niemann of www.MarketLaunchers.com for the January / February issue of Inventors’ Digest
Article # 3: "The Creative Mix," by Paul Niemann of www.MarketLaunchers.com for the January / February issue of Inventors’ Digest
October 2002:
Article # 1: "Stronger, Clearer Testimonial Letters Sell Better," by Marcia Yudkin
Article # 2: "ADVANTAGE: Inventors," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 3: "The Creative Pyramid: A Short Guide for Writing Your Own Ads," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
September 2002:
Article # 1: "Trade Shows," by Jim White, author of "Will It Sell?"
Article # 2: "Infomercials," by Paul Niemann of www.MarketLaunchers.com for the November / December issue of Inventors’ Digest
August 2002:
Article # 1: "Primary Research," by Jim White, author of "Will It Sell?"
Article # 2: "Important Tips on Pitching Your Product to a Company by Long-Distance," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com, reprinted from the September / October issue of Inventors’ Digest
July 2002:
Article 1: "Do YOU have the characteristics to be a successful entrepreneur?" by David Batchelor
Article 2: "Liability," by Jim White, author of "Will It Sell?"
June 2002:
Article 1: "The Top 10 Reasons Inventors Succeed," written by Paul Niemann of www.MarketLaunchers.com for the May / June issue of Inventors' Digest
Article 2: "Business Basics 101: Designing an Effective Business Card" by CardScan and "The Business Card Book" by Dr. Lynella Grant
Article 3: "Resolve Disputes the Easy Way," by Andrew Taylor
May 2002:
Article 1: "The Benefit of Using Testimonials Effectively," by Paul Niemann of www.MarketLaunchers.com
Article 2: "Why Link with Other Web Sites?" by Paul Niemann of www.MarketLaunchers.com
Article 3: "The Power of a Celebrity Endorsement," by Paul Niemann of www.MarketLaunchers.com
April 2002:
Article # 1: "The Top 10 Reasons Inventors Fail," written by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com for the May / June issue of Inventors' Digest
Article # 2: "What is the Most Effective Tool in Direct Marketing?" by Jeff Dobkin, author of "How To Market a Product for Under $500" and "Uncommon Marketing Techniques."
Article # 3: "Back that Sucker Up!" by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
March 2002:
Article # 1: "How to Succeed with Your Invention -- A One-Minute Guide," by Mike Marks of InventionCity.com
Article # 2: "A Few Recommendations on Making Your Presentations," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com (based on the entries submitted in the free web page contest last month)
Article # 3: "I'd Like to Sell My Patent," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
February 2002:
Article #1: "Will Your Product Ever Get Off the Ground?" by Jim Tilberry of CatalogRep.com
Article #2: "Not Patentable? So What!" by Jim White, author of "Will It Sell?"
Article #3: "Web Sites for Inventors," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
(reprinted from my most recent Inventors' Digest article)
January 2002:
Article # 1: "Research Companies in Your Industry," by Paul Niemann (reprinted from the Inventors' Digest article, "Let the Internet Help You Find a Licensee")
Article # 2: "Use a Web Page to Promote Your Invention," by Paul Niemann (reprinted from the Inventors' Digest article, "Let the Internet Help You Find a Licensee")
Article # 3: "Make Your Project A Success!" by A.T. Rendon
December 2001:
Article # 1: "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com, reprinted with permission from Inventors' Digest
Article # 2: "Copyright Information," by Jim White of "Will It Sell?"
Article # 3: "One Way to Get Experts to Help You in the Marketing of Your Product -- for Free,"
November 2001:
Article # 1: "Mark Twain on Inventing and Inventors," from Alex Ayres' book, "The Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain"
Article # 2: "The Power of Testimonials - When Used Properly," by Paul Niemann
Article # 3: "12 Do's and Don'ts for Small Business," by Jeff Dobkin, author of "How To Market a Product for Under $500" and "Uncommon Marketing Techniques."
October 2001:
Article # 1: "Thoughts on TV Marketing," by Mike Marks of InventionCity.com
Article # 2: "Design References List," by Jim White, author of "Will It Sell?"
Article # 3: "Three Short, Important Tips On Sending Information to Companies," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
September 2001:
Article # 1: "What Is a Profitably Marketable Invention?" by Jim White, author of "Will It Sell?"
Article # 2: "Benefiting From Fourth Quarter Publicity," by Todd Brabender -- President of "Spread The News Public Relations, Inc."
Article #3: "A 6-Question Invention Survey That Inventors Can Use," by Mike Marks of InventionCity.com
August 2001:
Article # 1: "The Five Point Master Plan for Inventors," by Jack Lander of InventorHelp.com
Article # 2: "Publicity Campaigns: How Many Hours? How Many Months?" by Todd Brabender -- President of Spread The News Public Relations, Inc.
Article #3: "Use the Internet to Research Your Industry, to Conduct a Preliminary Patent Search, and to License Your Inventions," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
July 2001:
Article # 1: "Direct Marketing: A New Product Launching Pad," by John TenBrink of CPO Direct jtenbrink@cpodirect.com
Article # 2: "The Disclosure Dilemma: An Inventor’s Catch-22," by Mike Marks of InventionCity.com
Article # 3: "Two Things You Should Know when Conducting Your Market Research," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
June 2001:
Article # 1: "Finding the Right Company to License Your Patent," by Greg Mills
Article # 2: "Seven Steps in Determining an Invention's Potential," by Mike Marks of InventionCity
Article # 3: "I Can't Afford a Publicity / Public Relations Campaign, Can I?" by Todd Brabender of Spread The News PR, Inc.
May 2001:
Article # 1: "Manufacturing your Idea," by Mike Marks of InventionCity.com
Article # 2: "FIRST IMPRESSIONS: What Your E-mail Address Says About You," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 3: "Two Methods of Increasing Your Chances of Licensing Your Invention," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
April 2001:
Article # 1: "Turning your Media Pitch into a Media Hit: Increase your Coverage by Increasing Your Pitches," by Todd Brabender / President of Spread The Public Relations, Inc.
Article # 2: "Using Tradeshows to Meet Your Market," by Mark Davis, Inventor of the Eggsercizer
Article # 3: "You Can’t Steal Second Base with One Foot Still on First Base," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
March 2001:
Article # 1: "INVENTOR PROFILE: John Wood of GrasslandBeef.com," by Paul Niemann
Article # 2: "Implementing A Successful PR Campaign: P.R. Does Not Stand For Press Release!" by Todd Brabender of Spread The News Public Relations, Inc.
Article # 3: "Some of Your Best Ideas Come from Other People," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
February 2001:
Article # 1: "INVENTOR PROFILE: April Deckert," by Paul Niemann
Article # 2: "Providing Good Service is More Important than Having a Good Product," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 3: "Life After Rejection," by Ron Docie of Docie Marketing
January 2001:
Article # 1: "Sources for Inventors," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 2: "I Finally Caved in and Ordered One … and how you can get your prospective customers to buy, too," by Paul Niemann
Article # 3: "Using Radio Prep Services to Promote Your Product," by Paul Niemann
December 2000:
Article # 1: "Inventor Profile: BARRY STUECKER -- Inventor of the BUZZ BULB," by Paul Niemann
Article # 2: "Generating Publicity in Year 2001," by Todd F. Brabender, President of Spread The News PR
Article # 3: "Your Market Evaluation," by Bob Stonecypher, Author of "THE IDEA"
November 2000:
Article # 1: "INVENTOR PROFILE: Bill & Jeanette Marble, Inventors of the Adjustable Deck Shelf," by Paul Niemann
Article # 2: "4th Quarter Publicity = 1st Quarter Prosperity," by Todd F. Brabender, President of Spread The News PR
Article # 3: "Your Web Site's Grand Opening," by Diane Leonte
October 2000:
Article #1: "Article # 1: "INVENTOR PROFILE: Curtis Batts, Inventor of the Tilt-A-Roll," by Paul Niemann
Article # 2: "Using the Internet to Market Your Invention," by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
Article # 3: "Licensing: Negotiation," by Mark Davis, inventor of the Eggsersizer ®.
September 2000:
Article #1: "The 7 Advantages of Selling Your Invention in Mail Order Catalogs," by Jim Tilberry of Tilberry Direct Marketing
Article #2: "The Advantages of Doing the Marketing Yourself," by Paul Niemann
Article #3: "How to Receive Royalties," by Ron Docie
August 2000:
Article #1: "An Introduction to the Wal-Mart Innovation Network (WIN)."
Article #2: "Prototypes vs. Pilot Runs, and Prototyping Principles," by Jack Lander
Article #3: "Submitting to Companies," by Ron Docie
July 2000:
Article #1: "How to Evaluate the Market Potential of Your Invention," by Jack Lander
Article #2: "Publicity vs. Advertising -- What's The Difference?" by Todd F. Brabender
Article #3: "So Now You Have A Better Mousetrap," by Pam Doty
June 2000:
Article #1: "Priming Yourself for Publicity," by Todd F. Brabender of "Spread The News PR, Inc."
Article #2: "AmericanInventor.com Launches New ISP for Inventors," by Ken Robbins
Article #3: "How to Save $1000 or More in Filing Your Patent Application," by Jack Lander
May 2000:
Article #1: "Getting the Most From Trade Shows" and "Interviewing at Trade Shows," by Ron Docie, excerpted from his book, "Royalties in Your Future."
Article #2: "The Value of a Logo," by Jeffrey Dobkin
Article #3: "The Importance of Good Follow-Up," by Paul Niemann
April 2000:
Article #1: "Eight e-Business Essentials," by Mike Banks Valentine
Article #2: "Prototype, Patent, or Market: Which is First?" by Ron Docie, excerpted from his book, "Royalties in Your Future."
Article #3: "10 Steps in Building Your Own Web Site," by Paul Niemann of Market Launchers
March 2000:
Article #1: "Interview with Inventor Sam Montross," inventor of the Twin Doubler.
Article #2: "Tips on Marketing your Non-Patented Inventions," an interview with Inventor Gary Kellmann.
Article #3: "Inventor News: Two News Releases for Inventors."
February 2000:
Article #1: "Lessons Learned from Working as a Product Scout -- The View from the Other Side of the Inventing / Marketing Process," by Paul Niemann; President of Market Launchers
Article #2: "The Inventrepreneur's Kit" -- an excellent source of information for inventors and entrepreneurs, compiled by Kevin Meehan.
Article #3: "Three Tips on Licensing your Invention," by Paul Niemann
Bonus Article: "The Ten Commandments of Managing Stress," by Stacy Brice
January 2000:
Article #1: "Two Qualities That I Look for in a New Product" – A Short Interview with Mike Marks of Invention City
Article #2: "Seven Essential Characteristics of Highly Successful Inventions," by Jack Lander
Article #3: "Suggested Books for Innovation"
December 1999:
Article #1: "The 6-Point Master Plan for Converting Your Ideas into Profit," by Jack Lander
Article #2: "Make a Plan for 2000," by Paul Niemann
Article #3: "Prototyping Stories," by Ken Tarlow
November 1999:
Article #1: Company Spotlight: "Grove Products"
Article #2: "The Importance of New Products to a Company's Long-Term Success," by Paul Niemann
Article #3: Article #3: "The Neustel - Zimmer approach to Successful Inventing," by Michael Neustel and Ed Zimmer.
October 1999:
Article # 1: "Four Ways You Can Save Hundreds (or even thousands) of Dollars when Patenting your Invention," by Jack Lander
Article #2: "Three Direct Response TV Companies Looking for New Products for Independent Inventors," by Paul Niemann
Article #3: "Marketing Reference Tools," by Jeff Dobkin
September, 1999:
Article #1: "Strategic Partnering," by Harold A. Meyer, III
Article #2: "Overcoming the "Inventor Paradox," by Dr. Doug Brown of Professional Market Systems, Inc.
Article #3: "10 Hot Trends to Look at for Coming up with a New Product Idea," by Ken Tarlow of America Invents
August 1999:
Article #1: "Some Basic Facts about the Direct Response TV Industry"
Article #2: "A Guide for Composing an Effective Letter to a Prospective Licensee," by Mark Davis. (Mark is the inventor of the Eggsersizer and a partner in Invention City.)
Article #3: "Research / Put on Your Sherlock Hat," by Ken Tarlow of America Invents
July 1999:
Article #1: "Legislative Update," from Joanne Hayes-Rines, Editor of Inventors’ Digest
Article #2: "Hair Apparent: An Inventor Success Story" by Don Debelak of Entrepreneur Magazine
Article #3: "Synergy:" The Story of a Company called "Invent Resources"
June 1999:
Article #1. "Thirty Product Categories and Comments on Each"
Article #2. "Advantages and Disadvantages of a Provisional Patent Application"
Article #3. "Patentability Does Not Equal Marketability"
May 1999:
Article #1. "Licensing To Large Companies"
Article #2. "The Silver Platter Approach" and "Common Ways and Places to Find New Product Ideas"
Article #3. "Licensing vs. Self Production"
April 1999:
Stories: Actual stories from inventors on what has worked well for them, what they've done that hasn't worked well for them, and stories on what they've heard from other inventors that have or have not worked well for them.
March 1999:
Article #1. "The 3 Most Common Mistakes I See Inventors Make"
Article #2. "Getting Your Toy or Game Idea to Market -- Licensing & Agents"
Article #3. "PCT Issues"
February 1999:
Article #1. "20 Tips for a Happier Life"
Article #2. "Don't Quit"
Article #3. "TIME Clock"
January 1999:
Article #1. "The 15-Page Direct Marketing Action Plan"
Article #2. "Seldom-mentioned Ways to Increase Your Chances of Licensing Your Product"
Article #3. "Increase Your New Product Development Success While Decreasing Your Costs"
December 1998:
Article #1. "IMPEACHMENT: The Card Game" -- Launching a new product through the use of press releases
Article #2. "A Poem about Thomas Edison"
Article #3. "Rocks of Life"
November 1998:
Article #1. "What Manufacturers Look for in New Products" -- An interview with a manufacturer who licenses products from outside inventors.
Article #2. "Prototyping for Inventors"
October 1998:
Article #1. An inventor’s guide to the Internet
September 1998:
Article #1. "How To Get Your Products Into Retail Stores" -- as told in an interview with one successful inventor.
Article #2. "The First 10 Commandments of Inventing" -- re-printed with permission from Inventors’ Digest.
Article #3. "Marketing Research"Go back to MarketLaunchers.com to see more inventions
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Saturday, May 14, 2011
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